Hello White Oak! What’s going on with you this summer? Well, let’s see…I’ve been to California-Disneyland and been to see a big blues guy in Dallas so far! I’ve also done one musical at ArtsView Children’s Theatre and am currently working the tech team (backstage stuff) for our ‘You Design It’ show which goes on this weekend! It’s been a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to being off a little in July and then I will direct ‘Aristocats-Kids’ for ArtsView in late July/early August. Oh…and somewhere in there I’m going to a 3 day music workshop to get new ideas for you this year! 🙂 A great summer but busy for me. I hope you are all enjoying your summer. I will see you in the fall! Mrs. K! 🙂 Here’s a pic of me and Mr. Kimbley on ‘Its A Small World’ ride at Disneyland!