I’m glad the contestants were able to pick any song from any music style. Then they can pick what they think they are best at! Here’s what I thought: Anoop-a little too crazy/weird for me, Megan-needed to really do a song for her to shine on, Danny-good choice-he has a really neat sound, Allison-I love her but this wasn’t her best night, Scott-good song choice, Matt-I liked the keyboard…but not his best tonight…seemed like he was really nervous–wrong song choice, Lil-I don’t know-didn’t really like it, Adam-not my favorite night for him but he is just silly good!!!!, Kris-hasn’t been a favorite of mine but he’s growing on me..very nice tonight..one of the best of the night…cool arrangement. My prediction of who is going home…Megan, Lil, or Anoop! We will see tomorrow night! 😉